
Ethics at Endeavour aims to give students an understanding of some of the big questions that have been asked throughout history right up to the present day. We aim to give students the knowledge and tools to form their own arguments and beliefs and to present them logically, supported by reasons and evidence.

We create enquiry questions for students to investigate, evaluating the different beliefs of both religious and non-religious groups forming a space were students can gain understanding of the world around them and the people who live in it. Our Ethics curriculum will be built upon a mixture of different forms of literacy including sacred texts, articles and books in order for students to understand where these arguments have come from as well as to familiarise students with philosophical and ethical language that is used to then enable students to use this language in forming their own arguments. Students will be able to interrogate evidence focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence in forming arguments. Students will also have an understanding of how ethics has impacted and still impacts the lives of people throughout the world and how a search for answers to some of life’s big questions has led to conflicts and inequalities in the world today and the role that we as individuals and as global communities should play in resolving them.

Our curriculum ensures we cover the statutory requirements for the delivery of Religious Education.

In accordance with guidance from NATRE, the Academy recognises that some parents may wish to discuss the content being delivered and ultimately chose to withdraw their child from the study of Religious Education.

We are confident that our curriculum offers a broad and well rounded experience, but if a parent wishes to discuss the withdrawal of their child from this subject, then they should contact the Principal in order to discuss the specific concerns. A student will not be withdrawn without a meeting and discussion around the specific concerns.

In Year 7 students study:

What is philospohy?

How has religion shaped Asia?

How do the Abrahamic faiths impact the lives of people?

In Year 8 students study:

What are we here?

Does a God exist?

Can scientists have faith?

In Year 9 students study:

What do religions teach about the family? 

Nature vs nurture, role of the family, religious family.

How can we respond to moral dilemmas?

How is peace and conflict dealt with?

How is peace and conflict dealt with?

What role should global communities play in fighting genocides?

In Year 10 students study:

How do different people respond to issues of life and death?

How do different people respond to relationships and identity?

How accurate is representation in the media?

In Year 11 students study:

What responsibilities do we have to ourselves?

What responsibilities do we have to each other?

What responsibilities do we have to our environment?