Governor List

Our Current LGB Members

Our current Local Governing Body consists of 9 members, including the Principal, Mr. Jamie Daniels.

The clerk to the governors, through whom any communication with them should be made, is Mrs. Victoria Frost ([email protected])

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Kevin O’Connell.

Kevin has a wealth of experience working in schools and on governing bodies.

Kevin is our safeguarding governor.

Kevin is also a governor at:

Ormiston Sudbury Academy

Ormiston Victory Academy

Graham is a community governor.

Jon is a community governor.

Mr Jason Foulger is a member of the Academy’s teaching staff. Having held a number of roles within the Academy, Mr Foulger is currently one of our Heads of Year and teaches PE, BTEC Sport and Health and Social Care.

Mr Foulger is a staff governor.

Pride is a community governor

Udhya is a community governor.

Melanie is a community governor.

Oliver is a Community Governor

Governor Attendance

Governors Dates
Local Governing Body Meetings11.10.2206.12.2221.03.2327.06.23
Jamie Daniels Kevin O’Connell Graham Bennett                                 (Term Commenced 01.05.23) Andy Fell                                               (Resigned 21.03.23) Jason Foulger Jim Nixon                                              (Resigned 02.05.23) Udhya Pandian                                     (Term commenced 09.02.23 Max Ruddock Trevor Standring                                 (Resigned 06.12.22)Present Present N/A Apologies Present Present N/A Present ApologiesPresent Present N/A Apologies Present Present N/A Present N/APresent Present N/A N/A Present Present Present Apologies N/APresent Present Present N/A Apologies N/A Apologies Apologies N/A
Strategic Progress Board11.10.2229.11.2221.02.2317.05.23
Jamie Daniels Kevin O’Connell Jim Nixon                                             (Resigned 02.05.23) Max RuddockPresent Present Present PresentPresent Present N/A ApologiesPresent Present N/A ApologiesPresent Present N/A Apologies

Governor Pecuniary Interests