Our current Local Governing Body consists of 9 members, including the Principal, Mr. Jamie Daniels.
The clerk to the governors, through whom any communication with them should be made, is Mrs. Victoria Frost ([email protected])
Our Chair of Governors is Mr Kevin O’Connell.
Kevin has a wealth of experience working in schools and on governing bodies.
Kevin is our safeguarding governor.
Kevin is also a governor at:
Ormiston Sudbury Academy
Ormiston Victory Academy
Graham is a community governor.
Jon is a community governor.
Mr Jason Foulger is a member of the Academy’s teaching staff. Having held a number of roles within the Academy, Mr Foulger is currently one of our Heads of Year and teaches PE, BTEC Sport and Health and Social Care.
Mr Foulger is a staff governor.
Pride is a community governor
Udhya is a community governor.
Melanie is a community governor.
Oliver is a Community Governor
Governor Attendance
Governors | Dates | |||
Local Governing Body Meetings | 11.10.22 | 06.12.22 | 21.03.23 | 27.06.23 |
Jamie Daniels Kevin O’Connell Graham Bennett (Term Commenced 01.05.23) Andy Fell (Resigned 21.03.23) Jason Foulger Jim Nixon (Resigned 02.05.23) Udhya Pandian (Term commenced 09.02.23 Max Ruddock Trevor Standring (Resigned 06.12.22) | Present Present N/A Apologies Present Present N/A Present Apologies | Present Present N/A Apologies Present Present N/A Present N/A | Present Present N/A N/A Present Present Present Apologies N/A | Present Present Present N/A Apologies N/A Apologies Apologies N/A |
Dates | ||||
Strategic Progress Board | 11.10.22 | 29.11.22 | 21.02.23 | 17.05.23 |
Jamie Daniels Kevin O’Connell Jim Nixon (Resigned 02.05.23) Max Ruddock | Present Present Present Present | Present Present N/A Apologies | Present Present N/A Apologies | Present Present N/A Apologies |
Governor Pecuniary Interests