Academy Closure Information

Very occasionally there are exceptional circumstances that cause an Academy to close for a short period of time. These can include extreme weather conditions or unforeseen maintenance issues.

At Endeavour we always try to avoid such closures, but sometimes we have no choice. Given the nature of our catchment, it is often staff shortages which can lead to issues during extreme weather conditions, so on occasions, we have moved to a later start time to ensure staff can safely access the Academy.

Whether we are putting in place a late start or having to close the Academy completely the mechanism for doing this is always the same.

  • The decision to close is taken as soon as is practical to provide all stakeholders with as much warning as possible
  • A notice will appear on the Academy website
  • All parents will be informed by email via parentmail
  • Suffolk County Council are contacted to their website can be updated (in some cases they will also contact local radio stations e.g. Radio Suffolk)