The intention of the Lifestyle Faculty is for all students to be able to develop a range of key skills, becoming effective team workers, competent communicators and cooperative individuals. Upon leaving Ormiston Endeavour Academy they should have the confidence and knowledge to lead a healthy, active lifestyle and be the best that they can be, regardless of ability. We want students to be prepared for adult life in an ever changing society, who can show resilience to any situation they may face in the future. We want them to reflect upon their time at Ormiston Endeavour Academy with pride and fondness, having enjoyed and experienced a range of subjects, activities and sports from the Lifestyle Department.
Our programme includes Relationships and Sex Education for which a parents guide can be found here.
In Year 7 students study:
Settling in – Welcome to OEA
Friendship & Bullying
Media Literacy
Families and Young Carers
Being Healthy
Help! I’m hairy
Keeping safe (smoking, vaping, first aid, water, road and rail safety)
Democracy and Parliament
The Real Game (careers and finance)
In Year 8 students study:
Self-Esteem and Body Image
Law and Order
It’s not OK!
Show Racism the Red Card
Drugs, Alcohol & Peer Pressure
Money Management
In Year 9 students study:
Mental Health
Equality & Diversity
Let’s talk about sex
Addiction & Drug Awareness
Addressing Extremism
Careers – work experience launch
In Year 10 students study:
Relationship & Sex Education (choices, FGM, physical & domestic abuse, honour-based violence, sexual harassment and stalking)
Careers – work experience preparation
Preparing for GCSE – Revision strategies
Personal Finance
In Year 11 students study:
Careers – Steps for Year 11 and beyond
Sexual Health
Looking after yourself (drugs & alcohol, impact of social media on mental health, wider effects of vaping, self-examination, blood, organ and stem cell donation)
Exam preparation (study skills & revision)