
At Ormiston Endeavour Academy, we are passionate about ensuring we provide our students with as much careers guidance as possible to enable them to make excellent decisions for bright futures.

We offer high quality, impartial careers guidance that helps pupils to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic needs and aspirations. The academy is committed to careers education as a vital means of giving all students the skills, knowledge and understanding to manage their own lifelong learning and career development.

We work closely with a wide range of post-16 providers and other external organisations to ensure students are given the relevant information about courses and entry requirements.

We encourage students from the start of their time with us to be aspirational and remain open to the worlds of possibility when considering their career path. All students develop a portfolio of their successes through their Raising Achievement Folder. We know that by the time they are in Year 11 and attending interviews these folders provide useful evidence of the achievments during their time with us.

Careers and aspirations are central to our vision to ensure students recognise and relealise their potential. Our lead for careers is Mrs V. Fosker ([email protected] , 01473 464545) whose role, as Raising Attainment Manager, provides students with the guidance, support and challenge to allow smooth progression onto future success.

We carefully track the destinations of our students once they leave the Academy and work collaboratively with post-16 providers to ensure that the transition is successful. The latest validated destinations data from the Department for Education can be found here.

At the Academy we recognise the varied ways in whcih we can positively impact upon a student’s future career choices. We are committed to delivering advice which is both accurate, timely and impartial.

Our careers programme was last reviewed in July 2024 and will be reviewed again in July 2025.

Our Provider Access Statement updated regularly to reflect the changing landscape of post 16 education locally.

We assess the impact of our careers programme though a number of mechanisms:

  • Final destination and retention data
  • Applications provided to post-16 providers
  • Quality of taught provision
  • Student voice panels
  • Feedback from employers and post-16 providers

We are currently working towards achieving the Careers mark standard and our work is shaped to ensure we deliver effective careers advice.

Our Careers Policy can be found here.

Some other useful documents can be found by using the links below.

Careers Information for Parents and Carers

Guide to Work Experience

Careers Information for Students

Careers Information for Employers

Ormiston Endeavour Alumni

Careers Information for Staff