As with many other overarching elements of learning, careers and career development is woven into all aspects of our curriculum. Whetehr this be the formal delivery through our PHSE programme, highlighting the key opportunities different subjects can offer with regard to career paths, or the development of those key skills that students will find so invaluable in the workplace, effective career progression is important to us.
In addition to the taughyt aspects we ensure that students have access to the information and support they need to develop their own unique pathways, and realise their potential. These include:
One-to-one careers interviews
Careers Fair
Visiting speakers from a range of careers and post-16 providers
Work Experience
Mock Interviews
Below is a brief overview of the Careers Programme. The full programme can be found here.
In Year 7 students complete a work in PHSE on a topic called “The Real Game”.
Theis topic introduces the wealth of career opportunities available to students and allows them to explore their potential future career opportunities.
The topic develops teamworking skills and begins to allow students to practice budgeting and financial managment.
In Year 8 students complete a PHSE topic entitled “Money management and managing a budget”.
In this topic students develop an understanding of the importance of sound financial planning and how this relates to the world of work.
Students learn how to think to the future and gain an awareness of how different careers impact on financial security.
In Year 9 students complete a PHSE topic entitled “Enterprise”.
In this task students work in teams to devise a new online app which they then have to market and sell to a group of judges (imagine Dragon’s Den).
Students develop a range of skills including identifying a market, problem solving, teamwork and marketing (including the wll important final pitch).
The key careers focus in Year 10 PHSE surrounds work experience.
We continue to work with all students to secure a suitable placement and the learning this year centres around preparing students in what for many is their first experience of the world of work.
Students develop their own curriculum vitaes and undertake a mock interview to prepare them for their placements.
Careers in Year 11 focuses on the next steps. Students are supported through guided research and external inputs in completing their applications to post-16 providers.
Students are encourgaed to consider a range of career paths and research these in detail in order to make informed choices.
The importance of the right qualifications is important too and work to support examination technique, well-being through exams and revision is completed.