
Year 6 students still at primary school

The move to secondary school is filled with excitement and a certain degree of trepidation. We want to do all we can to make the transition as smooth, seamless and engaging as possible. The process of applying for a place at Ormiston Endeavour Academy is straightforward and can be completed online.

The deadline for application next year has now passed, with places being allocated and communicated to parents on National Offer Day, 3rd March 2025. Should you have not yet made an application please contact Suffolk County Council as a matter of urgency.

The Ormiston Endeavour Academy admissions policy document can be found on our policies page and is also available to download here. Details of our admissions appeals procedures can be found here.

Having received details of the students allocated places at Endeavour we have now contacted all pupils and parents to begin the transition process. This will involve a welcome evening (19th March 2025 at 6.30pm), primary school visits, professional discussions with primary colleagues, induction days (2nd and 3rd July 2025) and a summer activities week.

The process and applications for entry to the Academy in September 2026 will begin in September 2025, with full details of Open Evenings, Academy visits and how to apply being provided.

Full details of Suffolk County Council’s admissions procedures can be found here. The Suffolk Admissions Team’s contact details are as follows:

The Admissions Team
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House
8 Russell Road

Phone: 0345 600 0981 (local rate)
Fax: 01473 260991
Email: [email protected]