
Attendance and punctuality are key to realising a student’s potential. We take great pride in having high expectations for both of these important and valued attributes.

An attendance of 95% still means a student has missed 9 days over the course of the academic year, or nearly 2 weeks.

90% Attendance equates to nearly 4 weeks off school in one academic year.

Similarly, lateness of just 5 minutes a day equates to 3 days off school in one year.

Given the time lost over the past academic year, it is vital that all students aim for 100% attendance.

Clearly there are times when illness means a student must be kept off school. In such circumstances can you please call the school on 01473 464545 giving the following information:

  • Your name
  • A contact number
  • Your child’s name
  • Your child’s form group
  • The reason for absence

Term Time Holidays

The Academy does not authorise term time holidays. Parents choosing to take their child out of the Academy for a holiday during term time will find the absences are unauthorised and a fine will be issued by Suffolk County Council. This is in keeping with guidance from the Department for Education and their guidance papers on improving school attendance.

Exceptional circumstances, such as religious observances and family emergencies are assessed on a case by case basis.

Any queries or questions regarding attendance can be directed to [email protected].