Year 8 Assessment and Reporting

In this section you will find details of the topics covered in each subject and how to support your child following each of the reports issued

Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
To use the correct spelling learnt as part of their home learning in their writingUse Carousel Learning. Links can be found on GO4Schools
To use be able to write a comparative sentence
Visit website and then complete the comparing fiction text quiz. Use this quiz to help you write a comparative sentence to show to your teacher.
To plan a piece of description, selecting three parts of the image and then adding ideas.
Visit website . Complete the Descriptive Writing Quiz. Use this quiz to the plan your piece of description based on a picture of your choosing

To be able to use similes in their own writing

Visit website . Once you have watched create 2 or 3 similes relating to an image/ character you have learnt about in English and show your teacher. 
To be able to use personification in their own writing
Visit website . Once you have visited the website – create a piece of description with 2 or 3 examples of onomatopoeia.
To use onomatopoeia in their own writing
Visit website
To understand what bias is
Visit website Once you have revised, select the test option on the right hand side. Complete test and then write out your definition of bias and show your teacher. 

[Name] needs to be able to infer what a character is like and be able to describe them using two adjectives.

Visit website Having revised the topic via the website – select a character that you can recall from your english studies. Create a statement that includes two adjectives used to describe them .
To understand the different opening styles of a narrative  
Visit website once you have revised topic – select the test option on the right hand side. Once completed create a flash card with the different opening styles and show your teacher. 
To be able to add connotations to verbs used in a piece of writing
visit website
To explain the effects of chosen verbs in piece of text.
Visit website Once you have visited site  create a list of verbs and explain the effect of those verbs. (Shouting – could suggest that the character is angry, whispering – the character could be shy)
To be able to provide their own opinions during discussions and expand on why they have this opinion
Group discussion – Responding and interacting – Eduqas – GCSE English Language Revision – Eduqas – BBC Bitesize – Aim in class to contribute to class discussions – or when working in groups aim to take a leadership role 
To be able to present information in a clear and informative way
Scotland – English and Literacy – Listening and Talking – Giving a presentation – P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 – First and Second Level classroom and home learning for Curriculum for Excellence with BBC Bitesize Scotland – BBC Bitesize. In class when presenting to the class – aim to speak clearly and confidence… practise makes perfect!

To support students with their progress in mathematics we use a website called Dr. Frost Maths.

On your child’s report there will be specific mathematical skills identified to support further progress. each skill has a code linked to the Dr. Frost website.

To access the website click this link Dr. Frost Maths

To log on students use the following:

Username: student’s academy email

Password: oeamaths (unless they have changed it)

Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

Recap the key features of a wave diagram.

Features of waves links to energy transfer guide for KS3 physics students – BBC Bitesize – Draw a wave diagram and label the key parts of it.

Compare transverse and longitudinal waves including examples of each.

Features of waves links to energy transfer guide for KS3 physics students – BBC Bitesize – Draw a diagram of a longitudinal wave and a transverse wave including labels. Describe how the two waves are different inclduing examples of each type.

Recap the different parts of the ear and their function in enabling us to hear.

The human ear and uses of sound waves guide for KS3 physics students – BBC Bitesize – Label an ear diagram and include how each part enables us to hear sound, you must talk about vibrations in your answers.

Recap methods for protecting our hearing.

Research how we can protect our hearing from loud noises and summarise the different methods.
Protect your hearing – RNID

Describe how a sound travels in terms of vibrations.

Introduction to sound waves guide for KS3 physics students – BBC Bitesize – Make notes on how sound transfer from an object to our ears.

Recap the primary colours of light and how white light is reflected by different colour objects.

Revise what colour is, which colours the eye sees and the practical uses of colour in photography. – BBC Bitesize – Draw a diagram showing the primary colours and secondary colours of light. What is white light made up of? What colour would objects appear if filters were used over white light?

Recap how to draw a ray diagram with labels.

Ray diagrams and transmission of light guide for KS3 physics students – BBC Bitesize

Recap the function for each part of a flower.

What is pollination? Reproduction – KS3 Biology – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize – Label the diagram of a flower and include what each part does.

Recap the 4 seed dispersal methods and examples for each type of dispersal.

Fruit and seeds – Reproduction – KS3 Biology – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize – Makes notes on the 4 types of dispersal, include examples of each type and how the seeds are adapted for this method of dispersal.

Recap the importance of seed being dispersed from the parent plant.

Fruit and seeds – Reproduction – KS3 Biology – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize – Why do seeds need to be dispersed away from the parent plant?

Recap the word equation for photosynthesis.

What is respiration and photosynthesis in plants? – BBC Bitesize – Note down the word equation for photosynthesis and where each part comes from.

Recap cell organelles and their functions.

What are plant and animal cells? – BBC Bitesize – Draw a labelled animal and plant cell, include the function of each organelle.

Recap the difference in cell structure for plant and animal cells.

What are plant and animal cells? – BBC Bitesize – Compare an animal and plant cell in terms of its organelles.

Describe ways to promote healthy plant growth.

What is respiration and photosynthesis in plants? – BBC Bitesize – Answer the question: What is needed for a plant to grow healthily?
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Describe the difference in between how light and sound travelLight waves
Accurately draw and label ray diagramsHow light travels
Explain how heat is transferred from one place to anotherHeating and cooling – Energy
Label and describe plant reproductive organsPlant Reproduction
Label and describe the function of plant tissues and organsPlant tissues and organs
State the formula for photosynthesis and describe factors which effect the rate of photosynthesisWhat is photosynthesis?
State the formula for aerobic and anaerobic respirationRespiration and gas exchange
Describe the stages of the carbon cycleThe carbon cycle
Label and describe the stages of the water cycleThe water cycle
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

Explain what each of the key words means and be able to explain them when asked.

Watch the video and create a key word definition sheet. Get someone at home to test you on them. 
1.      Key Words:

Show understanding of single point perspective and how it can make a drawing of a room look so realistic

Draw your ideal room from a one point perspective. Show your art teacher your drawing. 

1.      One point perspective:

Experiment with drawing boxes from different angles but in single point perspective.

Draw and design a box from different angles. Show it to your art teacher

1.      Box:

Experiment drawing your initials in 3D and single point perspective.

Draw your name in 3D. Bring it into school and put it in your sketchbook. 

1.      3D Letters:

Explain the difference between single point and two point perspective.

Follow along with the tutorial in the video. Bring your final piece to your art teacher. 

1.      Two Point Perspective:

Explain how careful shading and tonal work can enhance your drawings.

Shading and toning can add depth. Have a go at drawing a 3D shape and use shading to create a 3D shape.

Show through experimentation how you can use even more materials to create your art. e.g. painting with Tea or coffee.
 Try 2 different techniques or types of media to produce a piece.

Explain how looking at the work of others will benefit your own work.

Look at this video. How could you use this technique? On which piece of work could you try this?


Show understanding of the impact of presentation on your work through keeping your book looking great.

Review your sketchbook. How can you change the layout to make it more appealing?
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

Learn the key facts about the Computer Misuse Act

Use Carousel learning to view ways of keeping yourself safe online

Give examples of actions that violate the Computer Misuse Act

Use Carousel learning to view ways of keeping yourself safe online

List actions you need to take when someone sends you or asks for nudes

Use Carousel learning to view ways of keeping yourself safe online

Define the term ‘Hacking’

Use Carousel learning to view ways of keeping yourself safe online

Explain how to minimise the risk of getting a computer virus

Use Carousel learning to view ways of keeping yourself safe online

Describe the difference between hardware and software

Use Carousel learning to review the difference between hardware and software

Give at least two input devices

Watch the video. What input devices can you name? Create a spider diagram and show your Computer Science teacher.

Computer devices – Digital devices – KS3 Computer Science Revision – BBC Bitesize    

Give at least two output devices

Watch the video. What input devices can you name? Create a spider diagram and show your Computer Science teacher.

Convert denary numbers to binary

Computer devices – Digital devices – KS3 Computer Science Revision – BBC Bitesize    

Convert binary numbers to denary
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Practice following workshop rules.Workshop safety:  
Create a ‘How-to’ guide for using a coping saw.Coping Saws:  
Following a demonstration, practice marking our using a ruler, pencil and square.Marking Out:
Have a go at making a design out of modelling clay.Designing with clay and vacuum former: 
What are the limitations of your chocolate moulds? How can you improve it next time?Evaluation Skills:
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Peeling, watch the tutorial, take photo evidence or write a description how to peel effectively.
Bridge hold; watch the tutorial, take photo evidence or write a description on how to do bridge hold.
Claw grip; watch the tutorial, take photo evidence or write a description on how to do the claw grip.
Use a grill, for example, toast some bread, take photo evidence or write instructions on how to safely use a grill.Ensure you let someone know what you are doing and supervision is available.
Complete the food temperatures worksheet.Temperature Worksheet
Watch the video on the website and list the six simple steps to avoid food poisoning.
Eatwell guide. What are the five sections? List some food from each section.
Watch the 8 tips for healthy eating guide and write the 8 tips for a healthy diet.
Create a meal planner for one day using the Eatwell guide.Record your plan in any way you feel appropriate.
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Consider whereabouts in your life you use team working. How can this help you in Drama?
In your lessons, practice freezing and re-starting your role play.
Pick a character from your favourite book. If you could interview them, what would you ask?
Watch the video on hot seating in drama. How can you use it in lessons to help you?Hot Seating Drama Character Development
Create a diary entry of your day- use this to create a script.
Watch the video on effective group work on the website. Watch this and consider how we could apply this to our drama lessons.Effective Group Work
Think about the story you have just worked on, or another you know well- split a piece of paper into 6 boxes- draw out six images which tell the story- creating a storyboard. How cold you create this on stage?
Make a point of watching some episodes of the local and national news- think about the conventions and techniques they used.
Write two separate scripts which show scenes taking place at the same time. Think about where you could pause and ‘cross-cut’ other scripts.
Watch the video on the website and explain what a split scene is.Drama Techniques: Split Scene
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Revise how to form the perfect tensehttps://www.conjuguemos.com12
Revise perfect tense activitiesPerfect Tense
Revise holiday vocabulary in the pastHoliday
Revise how to form the perfect with avoir
Revise how to form the perfect with être
Revise how to form negatives in the perfect tensePerfect Tense Negatives
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

Netball – To be able to explain the difference between a ‘free pass’ and a ‘penalty pass’ in netball.

Netball – To understand the difference between a ‘free’ pass and a ‘penalty’ pass, listen to rules introduced each lesson.  If unsure, ask your teacher.  Refer also to the rules book link and make notes on the rules you need to become more familiar with or watch the video.

Netball – To be able to improve your shooting technique

Netball – To improve one’s shooting technique.  Practice the shooting technique  – watch the video to gain useful tips on the technique for shooting, note down the key coaching points.

Netball – To improve your analysis of your own and others netball performance.

Netball – To be able to provide an analysis of own and another’s performance, ensure you can provide a WWW and an EBI on your own or another person’s performance.
When watching someone else perform, look for the positives first, then decide upon an area for improvement.  You can use the coaching points that you are given for each skill as a focus.


Netball – To improve your footwork so it is consistent and you are not penalised during a game.

Netball – Ensure you know how to perform the correct footwork during the game and know the rules relating to it. Practice your footwork so that you don’t lose possession of the ball.  Can you jump, land (2 feet at the same time), jump land 1,2 keep the landing foot grounded and use the other to pivot. – see the suggested drills here to help you practice.

Netball – To improve your application of attacking tactics during a game.

Netball – Applying tactics – Watch the video links to gain ideas on how to become a more effective netball player and make notes of key points made.

Netball – To improve your technique for defending a person with the ball.

Netball – Defending ability – Are you able to gain possession of the ball?  Do you know how to effectively mark a player, with or without the ball?  If defending is an area to work on – watch this video link on ideas of how to become an effective defensive player, making notes of the key coaching points.

Netball – To improve your knowledge of the rules and playing positions from Year 7.

Netball – Do you know the 7 playing positions?  Do you know what parts of the court they are allowed to go during the game? Do you know what their role is?  If this is an area that you need to work on use this link to help you. Make notes, add the playing positions to a court diagram to help you in future lessons

Basketball – To improve your knowledge of the rules and playing positions from Year 7.

Basketball – If there are gaps in your knowledge of the rules and playing positions from Year 7, listen to rules introduced each lesson and to ask your teacher if there is anything you are still unsure of.  You can also  watch this short video here to gain an understanding, taking notes of the rules described:

Basketball – To improve you passing performance and be able to pass with greater speed, power and accuracy.

Basketball – To improve your passing performance, practice the technique of each throw taught, adding power and speed and improving your accuracy. You can also watch these videos and take notes to gain useful tips on the technique for;   
Chest pass:
Bounce pass:
Shoulder pass:

Basketball – To improve your analysis of your own and others basketball performance.

Basketball – To help improve your analysis of your own or another’s performance, listen to the coaching points / list of criteria for each skill to help you with this. This can help you to provide a WWW and an EBI on your own or another person’s performance.  

Basketball – To improve your jump shot performance and be able to shoot consistently and successfully.

Basketball – To improve your jump shot performance, listen to the coaching points given in the lesson and try your best to follow these when performing the shot.  You can also watch this video for advice, taking notes of the key point made – 
How to shoot a jump shot:

Basketball – To improve your attacking game play in and around the key.

Basketball – If you are struggling with ways on how to pass the ball to players in the key and movement around the defenders – watch these videos for ideas, taking note of the key points –

Basketball – To improve your technique for defending a person with the ball.

Basketball – To improve your defensive play, listen to ways to defend a player with the ball and think carefully about what you do within drills and games to improve your technique and defending success. Aim to use these points when you are marking a player in a drill or game.  You can also watch this video will help you –

Basketball – To improve your success of using man-to-man marking within a game.

Basketball – To improve your success of man-to-man defensive play then watch these videos on how to make it work, taking note of the key points made.

Football – To improve your passing, control and turning with the ball.

Practice close ball control to allow for smooth turn transition and attacking play

Football – To improve passing of the ball accurately leading to an attack.

Practice passing accurately e.g. use alternate parts of the foot to develop techniques – outside of the foot

Football – To improve the ability to pass and move both in and out of possession.

Watch the following clip on how to successfully pass and move, taking notes of the key point made. 

Football – To improve shooting technique leading to more goal being scored or shots on target.

Watch the following clip to develop shooting technique, taking notes of the key point made. 

Football – To improve technical skills such as step overs to beat an opponent.

Watch the following clip to apply skills in match situations, taking notes of the key point made. 

Football – To improve defending ability to keep a clean sheet in a match situation.

Practice safely heading the ball, jockeying a player and tackling an opposition player, taking notes of the key point made. 

Football – To apply a range of tactics within a match to win the game such as formations and positional play.

Compete in a mini 5aside football match with your friends/football team or watch a football match of your choice analysing how footballers are competent in a range of skills/techniques for the position they play in.
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

Revise the four sectors and give an example of a job in each.

Revise the four sectors and give an example of a job in each. Hand this into your teacher. 

Types of industry guide for KS3 geography students – BBC Bitesize

Use the Clark-Fisher model to explain the shift in sectors as a country develops.

Use the Clark-Fisher model to explain the shift in sectors as a country develops. What happens to the primary sector over time? 

Types of industry guide for KS3 geography students – BBC Bitesize

Explain how colonialism and past conflict have stopped specific countries from developing.

Write a paragraph explaining how colonialism halted development and hand in to your teacher. 

Development – KS3 Geography – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize

Explain how being landlocked, climate-related diseases or natural hazards have prevented countries from developing.

Write a paragraph starting  ‘ environmental factors prevent development because..’, and use the evidence to support this. 

Development – KS3 Geography – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize

Recap the definitions of GNI (Gross National Income), infant mortality rate, literacy rate and life expectancy.

Get a parent at home to test your definitions. 

Development – KS3 Geography – BBC Bitesize – BBC Bitesize

Recap the definition of mechanisation.

Get a parent at home to test your definitions. 

The development of agribusiness in the UK | Geography – Mud, Sweat and Tractors – YouTube

Explain why developing countries have large secondary sectors.

Why do developing countries have large secondary sectors? Find an example of a country that fits this and explain. 

Types of industry guide for KS3 geography students – BBC Bitesize

Recap the ways in which governments utilise tax revenue.

Create a spider diagram called ‘ how tax is used’ and complete it using your reading. 

More taxes = more Government spending on healthcare and education

Investigate the impact of low tax revenue in India.
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

Learn the definitions of key terms (Civil War; Divine Right; Personal Rule)

Use Carousel learning to practice your definitions

Be able to give three reasons for conflict between the king and parliament. 

Use Carousel learning to review long and short-term causes of conflict between king and parliament

Give a reason why tensions increased between King and Parliament in 1642.

Use Carousel learning to review long and short-term causes of conflict between king and parliament

Identify and explain why Charles I was executed in 1649.

Watch the video and make a note of three reasons why Charles was executed.

Explain why Cromwell became Lord Protector and not king. 

Read the Bitesize webpage and identify the reason why Cromwell refused the title King

Explain why the Civil War caused witchcraft accusations to increase.

Read the table on this page, and describe three reasons why witchcraft increased.

Describe what London was like during the Plague and Great Fire of London.

Read the page and identify the effects of the Great Plague on London

Describe what London was like during the 1600’S.

Read the page and identify the effects of the Great Plague on London

Describe why Parliament became more powerful than the monarch.

Watch the timelines tv video. What does this historian argue is the reason for the decline of the power of the monarchy,

Use evidence to support your point.

Watch the timelines tv video. What evidence does this historian use to describe the decline of the power of the monarchy,

When explaining, use ‘this means that’ to answer the question.

Watch the timelines tv video. How does this historian explain the decline of the power of the monarchy,
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.

To improve your performance of simple harmonic accompaniment parts of Blues Songs.

To improve your performance of the simple harmonic accompaniment part, practice changes of chords to the backing track of the Blues song – Hound Dog and Blues medley on Musical Futures Online: details:
User name:  OEAstudent
Password:  OEAstudent

To improve your understanding of 12-Bar Blues pattern

To improve your understanding of 12-Bar Blues pattern, watch 12 bar blues tutorials on YouTube and take note of the key points made:

To describe and be able to perform Chords I, IV and V.

To improve your understanding of I, IV, V progressions you need to understand those principles. Watch the tutorial explaining those principals and take note of the key points made:

To understand and able to perform seventh chord (I7) chord.

To be able to understand and perform the seventh chord (I7) you need to understand how this chord is built.  Watch the tutorial to explain and take note of the key points made:

To improve understanding how to improvise effectively using C major Blues Scale.

To be able to improvise effectively using C major Blues Scale watch the YouTube video explaining C major Blues Scale and take note of the key points made:

To identify basic instruments used in Blues music.

To understand what commonly used instruments are used in Blues, watch the video explaining this and take note of the key points made:

To describe the basic origins of the Blues.

For your better understanding of the basic origins of the Blues read and make notes on History of Blues on BBC bitesize
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Find examples of what different religions believe about our purpose.Read the following extract from the bible to find examples of what Christians believe our purpose is: 
Find examples of what Humanists believe about our purpose.Watch: 
Find examples of Neitchze and Camus believe about our purpose.Worksheet on Camus
To explain by saying how your evidence proves your point.Worksheet on Explanations
Look back at your heard the word sheet and use look, cover, write check to learn your definitions.Worksheet on Key Words
Come to a conclusion and and give reasons.Worksheet on Conclusions
Identified Area for improvement from reportTask or supporting resource to help with improvement.
Revise town description vocabularyTown Vocab
Revise how to tell the timeTime Vocab
Revise food and drinkFood Vocab
Revise the near future tenseHelp Sheet
Revise the present tensePresent Tense Practice
Revise the words for a, some and a lot ofHelp Sheet
Revise ir – to goHelp Sheet
Revise querer – to wantHelp Sheet